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The Bishop of Hereford's Bluecoat School

A Church of England School

Skills for Life/ PSHE/ Citizenship

This is a non-examined course. At Key Stage four this is delivered through the Religion and life lessons. It includes the statutory elements of personal, social, health and citizenship education.  This gives students an opportunity to discuss and learn about important ‘life’ issues that are not necessarily covered by their GCSE subjects and without the constraints of examinations. [Citizenship is also delivered through a cross-curricular approach.]  We are also able to address issues that are current.  When addressing these issues, we will often take the opportunity to invite outside agencies in to speak with our students in order to supplement their learning. The Skills for Life curriculum equips learners to achieve to the very best of their abilities. They are encouraged to live healthy, safe, productive, capable, responsible and balanced lives. Learners are encouraged to live the Christian values in their daily lives. Schemes of work are designed to encourage our learners to make effective decisions which have a positive impact on their learning, career choices and in achieving economic wellbeing. Learners are provided with opportunities to reflect on, clarify their own values and attitudes, and explore the complex and conflicting range of values and attitudes encountered now and in the future. Learners will also develop inter and intrapersonal skills allowing them to develop team work and personal skills ensuring they make a positive contribution in school, at home and in their futures.

Useful Websites to support Parents and Students.

Support for discussing RSE issues with your child-

FPA Parent information Zone

Sexual Health Services Herefordshire-

Supporting Mental Health

The Bishop of Hereford’s Bluecoat School is committed to promoting positive mental health and emotional wellbeing. It is important that our students understand how to look after both their physical and mental health and develop a toolkit of coping strategies for when difficulties arise, and they are struggling.

The Bishop of Hereford’s Bluecoat School Mental Health Strategy has been developed in consultation with students to support students, parents and staff in understanding mental health issues and removing the stigma around talking about mental health so that students don't feel isolated, ashamed or misunderstood and know where to go for help.

Over 50% of mental illnesses start before the age of 14 and 1 in 10 children and young people has a mental health disorder. Schools are on the frontline when it comes to supporting children and young people's mental wellbeing. Our staff are ideally placed to recognise and respond to early signs of mental health difficulties in children and young people.

In Skills for life lessons students are taught about various aspects of Mental Health. They are taught about how to recognise the signs and they are signposted to support. Each child at our school has a Form Tutor who they see daily and a Pastoral Mentor who they can request to see. Pastoral Mentors can be contacted by e-mail. We have a School nurse who visits the school on a regular basis and students can request to see her by going to Student Services and asking for an appointment.

If you have any concerns about your child’s mental Health and wellbeing please make contact with their Pastoral Mentor.

Staying safe online

Your child is taught about staying safe online in the ICT lessons and through the Skills for life PSHE programme. We know that children use a number of different apps to play games, make videos and communicate with one another. We work with outside agencies to ensure we keep your child informed and up to date. Frome time to time we will communicate with you if there is an app causing concern.

The Bishop of Hereford’s Bluecoat School guide for parents/ carers in accordance with guidelines:

  • There are age restrictions for different apps and social media, check that your child is compliant with these.
  • Ensure your child has appropriate privacy settings in place and that only approved friends can see what they share publicly and privately.
  • Check that your child knows how to report offensive comments or block people who upset them. Talk to them about behaviours and comments that are inappropriate and unacceptable, social media can provide an anonymous platform to voice or share things people wouldn't normally in face-to-face situations.
  • Consent should be sought before sharing photos or videos of others. Photos and videos should not reveal identities of themselves or others e.g. school uniform logo showing the school they attend.
  • It is important that you keep talking to your child about their use of social media and checking that they are staying safe. Encourage them to consider how they and others behave online and how they could deal with problem situations. Do they know that private messages and deleted messages can still be retrieved? How can they be a good friend online?
  • Ensure your child understands the importance of not accepting or befriending people they have never met before. 

More details can be found at:


The Bishop of Hereford’s Bluecoat School does not tolerate any form of bullying. If you have been a victim of cyberbullying, you should:

  • Keep a record as evidence, these can include 'screenshots'.
  • We teach our students to talk to parents/ carers who can help with the situation by removing or reporting any harmful material and contact the police if there is any criminal activity involvement.
  • If this issue becomes a problem in school, report it to a member of staff who can record and follow up as required. The school provides education and advice about online safety through assemblies, Skills for Life PSHE lessons and regular visits from our PCSO's who can provide further advice.

Parents/ carers please be aware of the sites your children are accessing as sites like these leave users vulnerable to cyber-bullying.

Helpful links-